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Type: pH Combinatin Electrode with Glass Body
Illustrate:ModeICX-PH-0115pHCombinatinElectrodewithGlassBody Forthegeneralindustrialprocess.Especiallyforpurewateranalysis. *Adoptionofsensitiveglassmembranewithlowimpedance,theelectrode issuitableforthepurewaterwithhightemperaturemeasurement. *Thereferenc..
ModeI CX-PH-0115 pH Combinatin Electrode with Glass Body
For the general industrial process. Especially for pure water analysis.
*Adoption of sensitive glass membrane with low impedance, the electrode
is suitable for the pure water with high temperature measurement.
*The reference system is
For the general industrial process. Especially for pure water analysis.
*Adoption of sensitive glass membrane with low impedance, the electrode
is suitable for the pure water with high temperature measurement.
*The reference system is
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