Location -> Electrode pen

Type:0101 series pH Combination Electrode
Illustrate:CX-PH-0101pHCombinationElectrode withGlassBody Lowionicstrengthsolutonmeasurement,suchashigh puritywater. pHRange:2-12 Temp.Range(C):5-90 LiquidJunctionType:Ceramic ReferenceJunction:DoubleJunction/Refillable InternalReferenceType:Ag/AgCl Dimensio..
CX-PH-0101 pH Combination Electrode
with Glass Body
Low ionic strength soluton measurement, such as high
purity water.
pH Range: 2-12
Temp. Range(C): 5-90
Liquid Junction Type: Ceramic
Reference Junction: Double Junction/ Refillable
Internal Reference Type: Ag/AgCl
Dimensions(mm): Ø12x165
CX-PH-0102 pH Combination Electrode
with Glass Body
Strong acid/alkaline or organic solution measurement.
pH Range: 0-14
Temp. Range(C): 5-90
Liquid Junction Type: Ceramic
Reference Junction: Double Junction/Refillable
Internal Reference Type: Ag/AgCl
Dimensions(mm): Ø12x165
with Glass Body
Low ionic strength soluton measurement, such as high
purity water.
pH Range: 2-12
Temp. Range(C): 5-90
Liquid Junction Type: Ceramic
Reference Junction: Double Junction/ Refillable
Internal Reference Type: Ag/AgCl
Dimensions(mm): Ø12x165
CX-PH-0102 pH Combination Electrode
with Glass Body
Strong acid/alkaline or organic solution measurement.
pH Range: 0-14
Temp. Range(C): 5-90
Liquid Junction Type: Ceramic
Reference Junction: Double Junction/Refillable
Internal Reference Type: Ag/AgCl
Dimensions(mm): Ø12x165
Last:0103 series pH Combination Ele.. Next:0100 series pH Combination Elec..