Location -> Electrode pen

Type: ORP Combination Electrode with Glass Body
Illustrate:ModelCX-ORP-0206ORPCombinationElectrodewithGlassBody Forthegeneralindustrialprocess. *AdoptionofthemostadvancedTeflondiaphragmwithlargeringsectiontomake theelectrodewithstableliquidjunction. *Uniquestructurepreventtheelectrodefromeasypollutionand..
Model CX-ORP-0206 ORP Combination Electrode with Glass Body
For the general industrial process.
*Adoption of the most advanced Teflon diaphragm with large ring section to make
the electrode with stable liquid junction.
*Unique structure prevent the electrode from easy pollution and blockage; Long life.
The reference system is filled with high polymer. Convenient use. Unnecessary to
refill electrolyte.
*It can be directly used together with various redox meters as a complete set.
Measuring Range:+/-1999mV
Temp.Range(C): 0-90
Pressure (MP) :0.3
Sensor Type: Platinum Band
Connector Thread: PG13.5
Connector: BNC,S7
Dimensions(mm): dia.12x155
For the general industrial process.
*Adoption of the most advanced Teflon diaphragm with large ring section to make
the electrode with stable liquid junction.
*Unique structure prevent the electrode from easy pollution and blockage; Long life.
The reference system is filled with high polymer. Convenient use. Unnecessary to
refill electrolyte.
*It can be directly used together with various redox meters as a complete set.
Measuring Range:+/-1999mV
Temp.Range(C): 0-90
Pressure (MP) :0.3
Sensor Type: Platinum Band
Connector Thread: PG13.5
Connector: BNC,S7
Dimensions(mm): dia.12x155
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